According to the statistics, the medical experts say that almost 70% of the American children don’t consume enough Vitamin D and almost 75% of the American adults don’t get enough of this vitamin in their daily life. Vitamin D is highly important and extremely beneficial for the human body and in preventing many different diseases, such as: cancer, heart disease and even diabetes.

Consuming this vitamin every day is really important for you and your health, it will provide many health benefits and it may replace the missing link to the cancer cure.


So, we can easily say that one of the biggest problems related with Vitamin D deficiency is that few people actually know how to tell if they aren’t consuming enough of this vitamin. The only way to confirm a Vitamin D deficiency is a blood test! But, there are many signs that are related with Vitamin D deficiency.

What is Vitamin D?

Do you know what Vitamin D is? Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is stored in the liver and fatty tissues. This means that increased body fat has the ability to absorb Vitamin D and keep it from being used within our body. Vitamin D is somewhat different than other vitamins because our body makes most of our Vitamin D on its own, rather than solely relying on food sources.

While some foods provide Vitamin D, exposure to sunlight is still the very best way to get the Vitamin D you need. However, eating foods that are rich in Vitamin D certainly also helps you to acquire more, so try adding good-quality, natural sources into your diet regularly.

As we said, the only way to know if you are deficient in Vitamin D is to have your doctor perform a test. This will tell you if, and how severely, you are deficient.

Vitamin D plays a role in calcium absorption into the bones. A deficiency in Vitamin D can result in a softening of the bones called osteomalacia, or a bone abnormality called rickets. Additionally, a deficiency increases the risk for developing osteoporosis and experiencing fractures or broken bones. Vitamin D deficiency symptoms have been correlated with increased risks for cancer development, especially breast, colon, and prostate cancers.


Asthma – in order to improve the function of the lungs and prevent other serious respiratory problems, you should consume more Vitamin D. It will protect you against these health problems.

Osteoporosis – when Vitamin D is combined with calcium, it improves the bone density and bone strength, preventing weakening and fracturing.

Inflammations – you should also know that Vitamin D deficiency also affects the strength of the immune system. And this is the main reason why many health problems appear.

Heart Health – this health problem, and high blood pressure, is also related with Vitamin D deficiency. This means that you should be very careful and consume more Vitamin D.

Allergies – a recent study has discovered that children who suffer from different allergies, suffered from Vitamin D deficiency as well.

Depression – the experts say that this problem is directly related to brain functions. This means that if you suffer from Vitamin D deficiency, you are more likely to be depressed.

What are the food sources of vitamin D – fish liver oils, such as cod liver oil; fatty wild fish like mackerel, salmon, halibut, tuna, sardines and herring; fortified milk, orange juice and cereal; dried shitake mushrooms; egg yolks. You should be very careful, and if you notice that you suffer from Vitamin D deficiency – then you should see your doctor immediately. As we mentioned before, Vitamin D deficiency is related with many health problems, such as: diabetes, flu, cholesterol, arthritis, oral infections, etc.


Less than 50 years: 400 to 800 international units (IU) a capsule a day. More than 50 years:800 to 1,000 IU one capsule a day.

Source: Health Life Star

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