Madaxda Dowladaha IGAD oo Ku Heshiiyay in Si Wadajir ah Xal Waara Loogu Helo Qaxootiga Soomaaliyeed

Nairobi – (warsoor ) – Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo madaxda dalalka Urur Goboleedka IGAD ayaa isugu yimid shir gaar ah oo looga arrinsanayay sidii xal waara loogu heli lahaa qoxootiga Soomaaliyeed.

Shir-madaxeedkan gaarka ah ayaa jeedadiisu tahay in lagu xoojiyo lilaalinta xuquuqda qaxootiga, lagana wada hadlo sidii looga jawaabi lahaa abaaraha ka jira guud ahaan gobolka, isla markaasna loo mideyn lahaa dadaallada beesha caalamka ee dhaqaalaha loogu uruurinayo dadka ay abaarahu saameeyeen.

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda ayaa la wadaagay madaxda dalalka ku bahoobay Urur Goboleedka IGAD dadaallada ay Dowladda Soomaaliya ugu jirto in ay ku yareyso sababaha keenay amni darrada iyo abaaraha dalka ku soo noqnoqday.

Madaxweynaha ayaa ugu baaqay hay’adaha ka shaqeeya samafalka iyo horumarinta in ay u guuraan gudaha Soomaaliya si ay u daboolaan baahiyaha taagan. “Waan dareensannahay duruufaha amni ee ka jira dalka, laakiin dalka intiisa badan waa nabad. Tijaabooyinkii hore waxaan ka barannay in marka ay hay’adaha ku shaqeeyaan gudaha dalka aad loo dareemo saameyntooda marka loo barbardhigo in ay ku shaqeeyaan meel ka baxsan dalka.”

Madaxweynaha ayaa qiray in xal waara oo loo helo qaxootiga ay u baahantahay in la dejiyo siyaasado lagu hagayo dib u dejinta, guriyeynta iyo isdhexgalka bulshada.

“Ma aha wax sahlan, laakiin waxaan aaminsanahay in aan haysanno fursad aan kaga faa’iideysan karno jawiga wanaagsan ee ay abuurtay doorashadeyda.”

Madaxda Urur Goboleedka IGAD ayaa isku raacay in la qaato hab bulshada oo dhan ay ka qeyb qaadanayso taasoo lagu ilaalinayo xuquuqda qaxootiga, gaar ahaan dumarka, carruurta iyo dadka nugul.

Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo ayaa uga mahadceliyay dowladaha iyo shucuubta waddamada xubnaha ka ah Urur Goboleedka IGAD iyo dalka Yeman sida ay u martigaliyeen in ka badan hal milyan oo qaxooti Soomaali ah.

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IGAD Heads of States Agree to Collectively Pursue a Comprehensive Regional Approach to Deliver Durable Solutions for Somali Refugees

Nairobi – (warsoor ) – President of Federal republic of Somalia H.E Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo and IGAD heads of states attended a special IGAD Summit on finding Durable Solutions for Somali Refugees.

The IGAD special summit was aimed at strengthening the protection of refugees, to respond effectively to the drought situation, mobilize resources and coordinate international efforts.

President Farmajo shared with the IGAD heads of member states Somalia’s efforts to mitigate the root causes of insecurity and the recurring droughts in the country.

“Our resilience strategy calls for targeted investment in infrastructure, particularly in areas of agriculture and livestock.”

President Farmajo also called on international humanitarian agencies and development partners to relocate to Somalia to effectively provide support.
“We understand there are serious security limitations, but the vast majority of our country is relatively peaceful. Experience shows us, that when partners operate within Somalia, their impact is qualitatively better than those operating remotely.”

The president acknowledged that durable solutions call for land reforms, resettlement policy and investment in affordable housing to facilitate the smooth return and reintegration of the refugees and IDPs into their communities.

“This would not be easy, but I believe that we have a rare opportunity to capitalize on the goodwill that prevails in Somalia following my election.
The IGAD heads of states agreed to adopt a ‘whole of society’ approach to refugee protection and assistance, especially women, children and the vulnerable.

The president thanked the governments and people of IGAD member states for hosting close to one million Somali refugees.


Source: SONNA

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