London Man Suspected of Killing American and Stabbing Five Others Appears in Court

UK โ€“ (warsoor) – Zakaria Bulhan, a 19-year-old Norwegian national of Somali descent accused of a stabbing rampage in London’s Russell Square, was remanded into custody Saturday after an appearance at Westminster Magistrates Court.

Bulhan, who has lived in London for 14 years, is charged with the murder of American Darlene Horton and the attempted murder of another American, two Australians, an Israeli and a British citizen in the attack on Wednesday.


The British victim is still in hospital while the other four survivors of the attack have been released.

Horton was visiting London with her husband, Florida State University psychology professor Richard Wagner, who had been teaching summer classes in the city. The couple had been due to fly home the day after the attack.

During Saturday’s court proceeding, Bulhan mumbled his name, address and date of birth. When asked if he understood the charges, he gave a thumb’s up gesture. His due to appear at the Old Bailey, the city’s central criminal court, on Aug. 9.

Police say they’ve found no evidence of radicalization or links to terrorism in the case.

Source: ABC


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