The reason you should become a leadership expert is because it allows you to have and raise your influence level. In the post Everyone Can Influence Someone Today we discussed some areas anyone can begin to gain or increase influence within. This post provides practical ways anyone can become a leadership expert.
An expert is defined as a “person who has extensive skill or knowledge in a particular filed.” Below are four experts who have successfully created a personal brand and platform:
- John Maxwell– Has been teaching leadership for over 40 years and is an international known speaker and author.
- Michael Hyatt– Started blogging and built a thriving and successful online platform.
- Ken Blanchard– Wrote The One Minute Manager in 1982 (It’s still in print) and since been writing and speaking on the topic of business, management, and leadership.
- Brendon Burchard– He is a social media and marketing expert who helps people create income online.
One important aspect we can learn from these people and need to understand when it comes to becoming a leadership expert is time. It takes time (years) to move into expert status. It does not happen overnight but in the daily choice to lead and influence the people around you. Below are 4 practical ways to become a leadership expert:
1. The Desire- The first step is to have a desire to become a person of influence. We are drawn to our hearts desires and your desire to lead will cause you to step into leadership positions and eventually allow you to become an expert. It all starts with your desire to influence and add value.
2. Know Self- A key element to becoming a leadership expert is knowing yourself. This includes your personal purpose, strengths, passions, all while understanding and controlling your emotional state, areas of weakness, and temperament. To effectively lead others and become an expert a leadership expert requires knowing and leading yourself well.
3. Knowledge and learning- A person needs to grow themselves so they can gain knowledge and learn the skills that will allow them to become an expert. The best way a person can do this is by having an active personal growth plan. A person or leader who is growing and learning will be moving toward their potential.
4. Experience- Gaining experience is an essential aspect to becoming a leadership expert. A person does not need a leadership title to begin to influence the people around them. Anyone can practice and implement leadership skills into their everyday life, while at work, home, or in relationships.
If overtime you apply these 4 areas into your life you will become a leadership expert.
Question: Can you think about any other practical ways a person can become a leadership expert? What steps are you taking to become a leadership expert?