BUUGGA: How To Win Friends And Influence People

7 May 1931 kii, magaalada New York ee carriga Maraykan waxaa ka dhacday baacsashadii ugu darnayd…

Planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities

A Brief Guide to Time Management Time management is the process of planning and controlling how…

5 ways to organize your mind for maximum productivity

The average person has 70,000 thoughts each day, and if you donโ€™t learn to organize them,…

Sababaha Keena Wahsiga Badan & Qaababka Looga Adkaan Karo

Hamiga iyo hadal-haynta ku noolaanshaha nolol farxad leh oo ka faaruqa wal-wal iyo walbahaar waa yoolka…

Caajiska Iyo Guuldarada

Dhaqanka hawl nacaybka iyo daalka shaqadu ama wahsigu  maaha calaamad dadka qaar  gaar u ah, waayo…

Customer Retention: 6 Strategies To Grow Your Business With Existing Customers

Building a successful business goes beyond gaining new consumers. Customer retention is also necessary.  New customers are…

Effective Communication: 6 Ways to Improve Communication Skills

Learning effective communication skills is a straightforward process that allows you to express yourself and improve…


Before you can start some serious studying, you need to concentrate. Minimize or eliminate as many distractions…

Dhaqamada Macalimiinta Iyo Saameya Ardayga!

Macalimiinta dugsiyada ayaa qaarkood caado u leyihiin inay ciqaab kula kacaan ardayda marka ay u arkaan…

Self Motivation: Staying Motivated to Reach Your Goals

Self motivation is the ability to drive oneself to take initiative and action to pursue goals and…