Somali ambassador to Kenya speaks to striking Somali merchants in Nairobi

Nairobi โ€“ (warsoor) – The Somali ambassador to Kenyan honorable Jamal Mohamed Hassan has on Sunday addressed striking Somali traders at Eastleigh in Nairobi Kenya.

After meeting with the traders the ambassador has held a press conference in his office and has urged the traders to peacefully do their business activities in Nairobi and abide by the Kenyan law.


The business activities in Eastleigh were in standstill for last couple of days, because of over taxation imposed on the Somali traders, improper sanitation in their business centers unlike the other parts of Nairobi and as well overload of hawkers who donโ€™t pay any taxation and doing their businesses right in front of the Somali shops.

โ€œAs you heard the entire business activities in Eastleigh were in standstill for the last couple of days and this was mainly because of confrontation between the local hawkers and the Somali traders who often pay huge tax, we have to appreciate the Kenyan government for its spending in intervening the situation and bringing up marvelous solutionโ€ said ambassador Jamal.

On his side the ambassador has pledged that the Somali embassy will address the entire needs of the Somali nationals in Kenya.

In the past 4 days there was business bewilderment in Eastleigh which is the business hub for East Africa, and for that reason the Kenyan government has deployed soldiers in Eastleigh to calm down the tension.

Written by: Mohamed Omar Hussein



Source: SONA

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